This is the Official website for the All Weather Bowling League (AWBL)

AWBA Finals 2023

Congratulations to the Leinster Lions A and CYM A who have made it through to the Finals of this year’s league to be played in North Kildare Bowling Club at

11.00 am on Saturday the 25th March

Congratulations also to Michael Keegan of Blackrock and Kevin Marshall who have made it through to the final of the Champion of Champions.  This will be played also in North Kildare Bowling Club on the same date at 12.00 pm.

Information for Team Captains and Members

To facilitate the above a copy of the competition rules, with the rules relevant to the playoff stages highlighted in yellow can be viewed here :

Competition Rules

Team Captains must submit their team selection to the League Secretary Tom Egan via email at

on or before Tuesday the 21st of March in order that Tom can ensure all players are eligible to play in the final.  It is suggested the names of 2 substitutes are also supplied in case any last-minute changes are required,

Whites or club colours must be worn on the day.  In addition rule  will be strictly enforced by the umpires.  Rule states

“All bowls belonging to players within a team or side must have these markings on them and the markings must all be the same design and colour. However, players may use markings which are different in size from those used by other players in their team or side where this is necessary due to differences in the sizes of the manufacturers’ rings on the bowls.”

The markers referred to in the rule are the stickers.  This means that Leinster Lions will have to acquire a set of the same stickers for each bowler on the team.  They can use the stickers of any club they like if necessary other than CYM,

There will be no green fees charged on the day and refreshments will be served to all the players and officials after completion of play.  Cups and medal will also be presented.