ILB Registered Players
Before the 1st April each club must return on an Excel spreadsheet to the Honorary League Secretary and Honorary Competitions Secretary the names of :
- 12 registered players in respect of Division 1 Saturday but where a club has two teams in Division 1 they must register 14 players for each team
- 16 registered players in respect of Division 1 Wednesday
- 12 registered players in Division 2 Saturday
- 12 registered players in Division 2 Wednesday
- 8 registered players in both Divisions 3,
- 8 registered players in Division 4, and
- 8 registered players in Division 5, where the club has entered a team in Division 6,
- 6 registered players in all Veterans Team except the team is the lowest league which has no registered players. This is currently Division 4.
A fine of €100 will be levied on clubs failing to meet the deadline stated in this rule.
The Council during the playing season shall examine the lists of registered players returned by the clubs and if any player is found to be unacceptable shall require his club to register another player in his place.
Clubs wishing to alter their lists of registered players must notify the Honorary League secretary in writing stating the reason for the change. Alterations in the list shall be effective on receipt of an email from the Honorary League Secretary approving the change.
The Honorary League Secretary will ensure that a list of all registered players is posted on the ILB website not later than 1st May in any year and will ensure the website is updated with any subsequent alterations.