The inaugural ILB unfurling ceremony was carried out in Bray Bowling Club on Saturday the 8th of April 2023 by the first president of the ILB Frank Devlin.  Among the attendance was the Cathaoirleach of Bray Municipal District Erika Doyle, the president of the IBA Bill Galloway and the presidents of the NIPGL, NIBA, and NIPBA.

It was a dry but windy day and after the unfurling of the new flag a team of Bray bowlers played a match against the Presidents team consisting of the ILB delegates augmented by our colleagues from the North. They match was played to 14 ends and as is traditional at the unfurling the match resulted in a draw.

After the bowls over 70 people retired to Bray Golf Club for a most enjoyable meal.  All agreed it was a great day, despite the cold wind.

Below are some photos of the day.

President Frank Devlin

The new ILB Flag blowing in the breeze

The President and Guests

The Secretary Charlie Lynch with the President

The After Dinner Speeches

Unfurling the Flag