The following email has been received from Shane Califf of Sport Ireland

Dear NGB,

In October the Government announced that it will provide an additional investment of €35 million to sport in 2022.

 The purpose of the funding is to support sporting organisations with the rising energy costs associated with the provision of sport. E.g., indoor activity in winter, the provision of outdoor floodlighting etc.

 General cost of living increases including increased costs in accommodation, rent, rates or labour costs are not eligible.

 As per Government direction, fuel costs associated with machinery, vehicles, travel or transport do not qualify.

 Currently, the primary target is grassroots sports clubs who have dedicated facilities. Sport Ireland is awaiting further clarification in relation to large scale and national facilities.

 Due to the nature and timing of the Scheme funding must be paid to NGBs in 2022 for onward distribution to their networks in the first quarter of 2023. Sport Ireland will also  retain a small portion of the funding to address any anomalies or unknown need that may arise in the new year.

 Details on the final criteria and application process will be available in due course.

 In advance of this NGBs are asked to engage with their network to ascertain the level of need. i.e. the energy costs of providing sporting activity in 2022 versus a pervious comparable year.

 Sport Ireland recommend using 2019, pre-covid, as a baseline year.

 Additional detail is included below.

  • The Sports Energy Support Scheme (SESS) will contribute to the increased energy costs associated with providing sporting activity in 2022.
  • Energy costs associated with ancillary items such as bars, restaurants etc are not eligible and will need to be adjusted for.
  • Non Energy related increases or pre-existing debts or deficits are also ineligible.
  • Sports organisations & clubs eligible for support under the Governments Temporary Business Energy Support Scheme (TBESS) are recommended to consider this avenue in the first instance. Both schemes cannot be applied for.
  • Organisations applying for support must own/lease the sporting facilities or be the primary utility bill payer.
  • The Scheme will be open to Sport Ireland Recognised NGBs. This is to ensure pre-existing levels of governance and operational assurances exist between Sport Ireland and those in direct receipt of funding.
  • The Scheme will not cover:
    • Private/Commercial gyms, pools & sports facilities
    • Local authority facilities
    • School or Third level sports facilities


  • Sport Ireland will establish a minimum level of support for clubs. This will be determined when the extent of the demand from the sector is known.
  • In line with other Government Schemes, support for Clubs will be capped at a maximum of €60,000.
  • Grantee organisations will be required to disburse this funding to relevant clubs, affiliate organisations in early 2023.
  • Clubs in receipt of funding will need to be in a position to verify the increases to their Governing Body during 2023.
  • Organisations in receipt of Energy Scheme support funding may be subject to audit as per Sport Ireland terms and conditions.

 NGBs seeking further clarity can contact me to discuss via email or on 087 191 3920

 Kind Regards
