April 12th 2022
Dear Funded Body,
RE: Ukraine Support
On behalf of the Minister and the Department of Sport, Sport Ireland is seeking assistance from the sporting community to support those coming to Ireland from Ukraine.
Sports organisations may be in a position to contribute to Ireland’s humanitarian response at a national, regional and local level.
The immediate need is for suitable accommodation and facilities. In the longer term, sport will play an important role in welcoming people from Ukraine into their new communities. Sport Ireland recognise that many Governing Bodies and their affiliated clubs have already been proactive in this regard.
Comprehensive details of the support required and how best to contribute are included below.
Sport Ireland would ask that this information is distributed to clubs, affiliates and any other relevant stakeholders.
National Governing Bodies and other Sport Ireland Funded Bodies seeking further information on how they can assist at a National level can contact Sport Ireland directly.
Support in all forms is welcome and encouraged.
For further information on the matter please contact:
Shane Califf scaliff@sportireland.ie 087 191 3920
Yours Sincerely
Una May
Chief Executive Officer
Sport Ireland The Courtyard Sport Ireland Campus, Snugborough Road Blanchardstown Dublin 15 D15PNON Tel: + 353 1 8608800 Fax: + 353 1 8608800
Email: contactus@sportireland.ie www.sportireland.ie



Irish Sport helping people from Ukraine Why is your help needed?
Sport facilities are sought across the country to help provide short-term emergency accommodation to those coming to Ireland from Ukraine. More than 500 people are seeking accommodation every day and the available stock of hotels, B+Bs etc. is almost entirely depleted.
Sports organisations can play an essential role to help meet this short-term accommodation demand; the next few weeks are the time of greatest pressure as it is expected that other sectors (e.g. 3rd level accommodation, institutional settings etc.) will be able to bring more accommodation spaces on stream by the end of May 2022.
What is sought?
What is sought are sports halls / clubhouses that can ideally accommodate 50 or more people in each location. All offers are to be directed ASAP to IPAS (email to michael.thornhill@equality.gov.ie and trevor.kerley@equality.gov.ie) and copied to your relevant Local Authority (LA) – details overleaf.
Sports organisations without accommodation space who wish to contribute in other ways to the response locally should engage with their local Community Response Forum.
Details of the ask
Duration: Specifications: Costs:
Insurance / liability How to volunteer?
6-8 weeks to the end of May 2022
Structurally sound, with access to toilets, showers.
Your LA will cover all costs arising and compensate for losses Covered by your LA
Email your LA Community Response team
Operation of facilities
While sport bodies are being asked to provide space, the Local Authorities will coordinate the running of the accommodation, including the provision of food and other services.
How to make the offer?
If you can help, please email your Local Authority Community Response Forum with the following details:
Sport Ireland The Courtyard Sport Ireland Campus, Snugborough Road Blanchardstown Dublin 15 D15PNON Tel: + 353 1 8608800 Fax: + 353 1 8608800
Email: contactus@sportireland.ie www.sportireland.ie

 Location and size of accommodation offer (e.g. sports hall measuring 20 x 10 metres, with 2 anterooms attached)
 Sanitary facilities (e.g. 4 toilets, 6 showers)
 Other facilities (e.g. parking, kitchen space)
 Availability time period (e.g. to confirm availability to end-May; if available for a longer
period, please specify)
 Key contact point for the facility
Longer term
In the longer term, sport will play an important role in welcoming people from Ukraine into their new communities in Ireland and it is recognised that clubs and sports bodies have been very active in this regard.
Local Authority Contact list
Local Authority
Carlow County Council
Cavan County Council
Clare County Council
Cork City Council
Cork County Council
Donegal County Council
Dublin City Council
Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council
Fingal County Council
Galway City Council
Galway County Council
Kerry County Council
Kildare County Council
Kilkenny County Council
Laois County Council
Leitrim County Council
Sport Ireland The Courtyard Sport Ireland Campus, Snugborough Road Blanchardstown Dublin 15 D15PNON Tel: + 353 1 8608800 Fax: + 353 1 8608800
Email: contactus@sportireland.ie www.sportireland.ie

Limerick City and County Council
Longford County Council
Louth County Council
Mayo County Council
Meath County Council
Monaghan County Council
Offaly County Council
Roscommon County Council
Sligo County Council
South Dublin County Council
Tipperary County Council
Waterford City and County Council
Westmeath County Council
Wexford County Council
Wicklow County Council
Sport Ireland The Courtyard Sport Ireland Campus, Snugborough Road Blanchardstown Dublin 15 D15PNON Tel: + 353 1 8608800 Fax: + 353 1 8608800
Email: contactus@sportireland.ie www.sportireland.ie