Hi all

The BLI I believe have very successfully brought a lot of normality back to many bowlers in 2021 by organising as full a season as possible considering the restrictions that have been and are currently still in place.

We are trying to make this a celebratory year so we intend to recognise exceptional achievements from our bowlers in the past and going forward.

Every BLI competition has restrictions whether its by age U/18’s, U25’s and Over 55’s or by standard with the 4 Junior competitions, with the exception the 4 Senior competitions which are open to all. Marper – Boyd – Baird – Sixsmith. They are commonly known as “The Full Set”.

The BLI will be recognising all bowlers who have achieved the full set in the past by presenting them with a small gold embroidered patch to be ironed on their club top for all to see when they are bowling. See picture.  

All players who have achieved the full set or even more than one full set should get their club secretary to contact myself with their name and the years they won each competition so I can verify them. These will then be presented by the BLI President at the BLI annual dinner in November this year.

Stephen Millane

BLI Competition Secretary