The following email was received today from Sport Ireland following yesterdays Government announcement re COVIF restrictions.

Dear Sport Ireland Stakeholder,

As you may be aware, on Tuesday, the Government announced a number of new public health measures coming into place from April 12. Full details of the announcement can be found at : – Level 5 (

Below you will find a summary on the Sport & Physical Activity elements of the announcement.

Sport Ireland welcomes any questions NGBs or LSPs may have and will continue to provide additional details in advance of each of the key dates.



·       People may meet with people from one other household in outdoor settings when taking exercise.

From 19 April

Training for additional high performing athletes, as approved by Sport Ireland can resume.

NGBs are recommended to contact Sport Ireland to discuss the individual needs within their sport.

Protocols which protect all participants by ensuring strong levels of control and oversight will be required.

Training can also resume for sanctioned and organised adult intercounty National Gaelic Games Leagues.

From 26 April

·       Underage non-contact outdoor training in pods of 15 can recommence.

Outdoor distanced sport for adults can begin to take place. Activities should be on a socially distanced basis and may take place between a maximum of two households. NGBs can revise any previously approved protocols accordingly and submit to Sport Ireland in advance of the 26th.

Matches and events

·       Certain professional, elite sports and approved equestrian events continue to be permitted behind closed doors.

·       No other matches or events are to take place.


·       From 26 April outdoor sports facilities can reopen (examples include pitches, golf courses and tennis courts).

·       Club houses and other indoor facilities (for example: changing rooms, showers, kitchens, meeting rooms), remain closed. 

·       Essential toilet facilities may open.

·       Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools remain closed.


Domestic Travel

·       From 12 April, travel is permitted within your own county or within 20km of your home if crossing county boundaries.



Shane Califf – Director of Governing Bodies