A chairde uilig,

 The Government is acutely aware of the vital role that sport has played throughout the pandemic in contributing its many benefits to the physical and mental wellbeing of people. Even though last Friday’s decision to exit Level 5 represents an improvement for many who love and enjoy their sport, it is fully recognised that the move to Level 3 represents only a partial improvement with many others still severely impacted by the Level 3 restrictions, especially those that play their sports in indoor settings.

 Looking ahead to 2021, the Government is concerned to ensure that sport can continue to play the maximum possible role in sustaining people’s physical and mental wellbeing and consequently their general morale. In that context, the Government has asked this Department and Sport Ireland to engage urgently over the coming weeks with the sporting bodies to consider all available evidence and data for the purposes of informing the development of tailored proposals and approaches for future mitigation measures. It is envisaged that such proposals would enable the Government to review and potentially adapt the suite of public health measures currently applying to sport and exercise activities.

 In order to get this urgent work underway, I am seeking written submissions to be made to Sport Ireland. To that end, Sport Ireland will separately issue within the next few days a template for the preparation of the written submission.

 I look forward to working closely with the NGBs in the progression of this matter.

 Is mise le meas,


Jack Chambers, T.D.,

Government Chief Whip and Minister of State for Sport and an Ghaeltacht