Dear Secretary/Council Delegate,
I attach motions received for consideration at the a.g.m. being held by Zoom on 16th December.
In the section covering the constitution proposed changes submitted by the Executive are highlighted with blue type to reflect additions and red type for deletions.
The Standing Orders Committee have reviewed all the motions and are satisfied that they are valid.
Amendments to the motions should be submitted before November 25th.

Nominations for the following officer positions on the Executive should be submitted by 16th November, one calendar month before the a.g.m.:-
Honorary Secretary
Honorary Assistant Secretary
Honorary Treasurer
Honorary Competition Secretary
Honorary League Secretary
Public Relations Officer
National Children’s Officer
The position of International Selector is also up for election.
The agenda and documentation for the meeting will be sent to club secretaries well in advance along with details of delegate registration, and debating and voting procedures. The meeting will be taped to ensure all decisions are accurately recorded.
The Executive appreciate that not all delegates may be familiar with Zoom so if anyone has a difficulty please get in touch and we will try to help.  To assist delegates a trial run of a Zoom meeting  with mock voting is being arranged for Thursday 10th December at 7.30p.m.
When clubs nominate their three delegates please send me their names and email addresses by December 1st so that they can be entered on the Zoom contact list. Please be assured that these addresses will not be used for any other purpose. Observers are welcome but they should identify themselves and will not be entitled to vote.

Please note that the IBA annual general meeting has been postponed until Covid-19 restrictions in Northern Ireland are relaxed.
BLI clubs that entered 2020 IBA cup competitions that were not held are automatically entered for the 2021 competitions unless a club wants to withdraw. That does not preclude new entrants. A new draw will be made in due course. 2020 entry fees will be credited to the clubs who may seek a refund if they wish.

Can I remind clubs of the fund raising campaign in memory of Cathal Gillen for the youth mental health awareness organisation Jigsaw being  organised by his family and friends. Details are on the website.
Best wishes,