The following email and attachment has been received from Sport Ireland
Date: Fri 18 Sep 2020, 14:06
Subject: Resilience and Recovery : Practical Guidance for Sport : Levels 2 & 3
To: NGB <>, Participation Unit <>
Dear Sport Ireland Stakeholder,
On 15 September 2020, the Government published a framework for restrictive measures to guide Ireland over the short to medium-term in managing Covid-19.
The framework consists of 5 Levels. The lower Levels of the framework will be activated when there is low incidence of the disease, with isolated outbreaks, low community transmission. The higher Levels will be used to deal with higher incidences of the disease. It will be possible for different regions and counties to be at a different Level to the National Level, depending on the incidence of the virus in that particular region or county.
Sporting Organisations protocols and restrictions should reflect each of the relevant levels. There should be clear differences in sporting activity between the higher and lower levels of the plan.
Since its publication, Sporting Bodies are seeking clarity on some aspects of the framework, in particular measures set out in Level 2, Level 3 and the additional advice around Dublin.
The attached guidance has been prepared by the Return to Sport Expert Group in addressing the queries arising and providing some practical interpretation of the Framework for the sector. Please refer to Appendix 1 for the extracted elements of Framework, which relate to sport.
Ireland is currently at Level 2 of the Plan for Living with COVID-19.
Currently there are additional measures in place in Dublin.
In the event of Level 3 – the following measures in relation to sport will apply.
Sport Ireland will continue to work with NGBs on their individual queries across the duration of the new plan.
Shane Califf – Director of Governing Bodies