Hi all
At the moment under the current guidelines the competitions will still be going ahead but I am monitoring the situation closely and I will cancel everything because of restrictions if needed.
I originally planned to run the singles and pairs over both Saturdays and Sundays September 19th/20th and 26th/27th but I have compressed all the matches over three days to allow clubs an extra day for their own domestic competitions. The competitions will now be held on the following days in Crumlin Bowling Club.
- Sunday September 20th
- Saturday September 26th
- Sunday September 27th
I will be corresponding with all 13 clubs involved closer to the date of the competitions issuing guidelines for players to adhere to when playing in the competitions in Crumlin BC.
Tea/Coffee and sandwiches will be provided to players.
Prize money:
- Singles – Winner €300 R/Up €150 S/Final €75
- Pairs – Winners €400 R/Up €200 S/Final €100
Please do not send any monies to me. The BLI treasurer will invoice each club.
Best Wishes and Stay Safe
Stephen Millane
BLI Competition Secretary