The following email was today received from Sport Ireland.

From: Shane Califf <>
Date: Tue 18 Aug 2020, 19:57
Subject: Updated Public health measures in place : August 18th – September 13th 2020
To: NGB <>, Participation Unit <>

Dear Sport Ireland Stakeholder

Following the announcement by An Taoiseach tonight the following public health measures are now in place. The previous restrictions announced for Kildare,  Laois, and Offaly continue to remain in place.

 The key measures announced in relation to sport and physical activity are outlined below.  Sport Ireland will provide additional information on a number of the measures tomorrow. In the meantime please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.


Updated Public Health Measures – Sport & Physical Activity


·       Sport facilities can remain open.

·       Sporting events and matches can continue to take place behind closed doors.

·       Gatherings, including social gatherings, before or after events must be avoided. Participants should practice 2 metre physical distancing before and after events, during breaks in play, on the sidelines and team huddles should be avoided.

·       Gyms/leisure centres/swimming pools/exercise and dance studios can remain open with strict distancing and other appropriate protective measures in place.

·       Exercise and dance classes should be limited to 6 people and observe physical distancing rules.

·       Groups exercising outdoors should be limited to 15 people, including training sessions. There should be no mixing between groups.

·       It is recommended that those responsible for managing these facilities should have completed a risk assessment before reopening to manage the public health risk for their customers, attendees, participants, and staff.

·       The assessment should consider the risk factors for getting COVID-19, that is Distance, Activity, Time and Environment, and include controls such as managed entry, improved hygiene facilities, and regular cleaning to limit these.

·       Facilities should observe physical distancing guidelines and apply the public health checklist to their operation. Guidance on mass gatherings should also be followed.

·       Facilities reopening with a return of staff should apply the Return to Work Safely Protocol. This has been designed to support employers and workers to put measures in place that will prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace.





Shane Califf – Director of Governing Bodies