2020 World Championships – cancelled – re-scheduled for 2021 – 25/5 to 6/6 at same venue – Broadbeach, Australia.

John Bell re-elected as President for a further 2 years from 1/6/2020.

Garry Collins re-elected as Director for Europe for a further 2 years from 1/6/2020.

2020 Champion of Champions – cancelled. This event was to be held in Adelaide, Australia. There is no venue for the 2021 competition as yet.

The next Meeting of World Bowls will be on Sunday, 21st June, 2020.


This inaugural tournament was to be held in Cyprus in December, 2020 however, the organising committee have decided to cancel and will continue to work towards staging the event in 2021.


The A G M was held in March where David Graham OBE handed over the Presidency to Mike Flanagan (Wales). Robert Madden (Ireland) was elected as Vice President.                                                                                                                            Treasurer Ken Woodcock & Secretary Duncan McLaren gave notice to retire after 10 years and were proposed and seconded for Honorary Membership. 2020 Senior Championships & International Series – cancelled.

A further Executive meeting was held on 16/5/2020 via Zoom.                                           2020 Junior International Series – cancelled

It was agreed that all 2020 Events & Venues be carried forward to 2021. Therefore, the Senior Championships & International Series will be in Wales and the Junior International Series will be in Ayr. In 2022 Ireland will host the Senior Championships & International Series at Belmont B. C.

The President and Vice President will remain in office for 2021. Ken (Treasurer) & Duncan (Secretary) will remain in post for 2021.

A discussion took place on the amalgamation of the B I B C & B I W B C. Bowls England to produce a document for further discussion.



2020 Senior Inter-Association Championships – cancelled – This event was to be hosted by the B L I in Dublin and will be in Dublin in 2021.

Irish Cups Competition – cancelled. All Cup entry fees for 2020 will be transferred to 2021.

2020 Junior Inter-Association Championships – cancelled.

There will be no Irish Championships this year therefore, the 2019 Irish Champions will represent Ireland at the B I B C Championships in Wales in 2021.

The President and Vice President will remain in office for 2021.

There will be no Annual Dinner in October.

All Tournament Licence Fees paid will be transferred to 2021.

Club Membership £40 – This is a yearly fee which is necessary for all Clubs to retain Membership of the Association. The same fee will apply for 2021.

There will be no Capitation Fees this year as there will be no competitive bowling.

The appointment of the International Team Manager (Neil Booth) for a further 3 years has been approved. I am delighted to announce that Neil has accepted the offer and wishes to thank the Council for all their support.

A decision regarding the Annual General Meeting will be taken later.