Dear Secretary,

Thanks to all those clubs who completed the recent BLI survey on the 2020 bowling season. The Executive met last week to consider the response and it is apparent that there should be no BLI leagues, cups or championships this year.  Clubs that opened would confine their activities to social bowling while adhering to BLI and club protocols.
As a result Westmanstown B.C. have requested that they retain the Presidency in 2021, and suggest that  the current vice-president, Tony O’Brien of CYM B.C. remain in office for a further year as well.  CYM agree with this proposal and Bray B.C. who were due to have the presidency in 2022 have no objection to postponing it for another year.  The I.B.A. and the three Northern Ireland associations are making similar arrangements for this year and next year.
The Executive will put forward the following motion as the first item on the agenda at the next AGM for approval of Council:-

“That Westmanstown B..C. retain the BLI Presidency for 2021 and that CYM B.C. retain the vice-presidency”

Looking forward to better bowling times before too long,
Charlie Lynch