Letter from LBLI Acting Secretary 


Dear Secretaries,

I am forwarding to you the email  received today from the Hon. Sec. of the IWBA Gwen McCormick with regard to the action they have taken in light of the Coronavirus that has impacted on all our lives. I trust you find it self explanatory. It is with great sadness these measures have had to be taken. World Bowls has also been postponed which is understandable but disappointing for the Irish team.

Unfortunately, I also wish to notify you all that the LBLI Officers have agreed due to the uncertainty that lies ahead, perhaps for many months to come  and in the interest of all our bowlers to cancel our league program and LBLI competitions for this season. Because of this there is no need now to forward competition entries to Rosie. I know Rosie will be in contact with you direct.

Our League Sec. Georgina and her committee had prepared the leagues, but we all knew this was coming down the line.

 We all know these are in difficult times, all we can do is follow the guidelines we are given, which  I am sure you all understand.  

Please take care and stay safe.


On behalf of all the LBLI officers.

Letter from the LBLI Championship Secretary

Morning everyone

As you have already had correspondence from Fran advising that Leagues, Championships  etc have been cancelled this season, I am just confirming this as Competition Secretary.
I too am very disappointed that there will be no competitive bowls for the forthcoming season.
I am not sure yet how the 2020 season will impact on the 2021 season but as soon as I have any information, or the LBLI officers have information, we will let you know.
Good opportunity for us to get our knees and backs into condition!!!😁
In the meantime stay healthy and safe and keep the spirits up.
God Bless
Rosie + Committee

Letter from the IWBA Hon Secretary

To all clubs

I am sure you won’t be surprised that in light of the awful circumstances everyone is in at the moment IWBA will be cancelling all competitions this year. That includes Inter-Association Games, Junior and Senior, Championships and International trials.

Each club will be making their own arrangements for the season so I would ask you to still support each other and your club in whatever way you can.It is unprecedented and very worrying times at the moment and all we can do is follow the guidelines we are given and hopefully the situation will change for the better sooner rather than later.

Because IWBA definitely will not be having any events this season I would ask that you do not send IWBA Affiliation fees to our Treasurer Isobel Palmer.

In the meantime, on behalf of President Angeline, Officers and Council of the Irish Women’s Bowling Association, I wish you all well, take care of one another and above all stay safe.


Gwen McCormick

IWBA Hon Secretary