ILB General information
3/ ILB Managment Committee Code of Conduct
7/ Election of Selectors rules Dec24
Bowling Green
link here to our Bowling green approval form ( all you need to know)
Local Sports Partnerships Financial support for your Club
Anti Doping
The Global Drug Reference Online (Global DRO) provides athletes and support personnel with information about the prohibited status of specific medications based on the current World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List. The website can be accessed vis the following link. Updated 2009 Alcohol is no longer a banned substance for bowls. Prohibited Drugs
Because the Irish Sports Council have been inundated with applications for medical exemptions from various minority sports they have decided to only target those players who are involved in national championships and internationals. They have included lawn bowls as one of the sports where this new rule applies. There will be no more drug testing at ILB championships. Only players who have qualified for the national championships need to be concerned about possible testing if they are on medications that are on the list of banned substances. Full details of what is involved can be ascertained from the Sports Ireland website Anti-Doping section at https://www.sportireland.ie/Anti-Doping/
If you are on medication that is on the banned list of substances and have qualified for the National Championships or you are on the International Panel, then you must apply for a TUE as soon as the ILB Championships are completed. please allow 21 days for the application to be processed. Players who are involved in Inter-Association, National Championships, and BIBC Internationals, and other international competitions should complete the eLearning section on the Sport Ireland Website You will have to create an account, and then go through the various questions. You do not have to complete it in one visit, once you have logged on and answered some of the questions, you can log out and visit the site at a later time, and you will pick up where you left off. At the end you will get a certificate to confirm you have completed the task, and this is registered with Sport Ireland. Here is the link to eLearning https://elearning.sportireland.ie/login/index.php
ILB Championships— Finals week 2025
Sixsmith Mens Senior Rinks
O Leary Mens over 55s
Nassau Cup Mens Junior Singles
Tyler Cup Mens Junior Pairs
BLI Cup Mens Junior Trips
Mecredy Cup Mens Junior Rinks
Railway union cup Mens U25s
Bank Of Ireland Cup Mens U18s
Montgomery Cup Ladies Senior Singles
Moran Cup Ladies Senior Pairs
Rhona Eager Trophy Ladies Senior Trips
Robinson Cup Ladies Senior Rinks
Ann Brophy Cup Ladies over 55s
Mc Keon Cup Ladies Junior Singles
WW Robinson Trophy Ladies Junior Pairs
Rose Ivie Trophy Ladies Junior Trips
M & F Murphy Trophy Ladies Junior Rinks
Millane Cup Mix Gender Pairs
Entry forms for all senior and junior championship entries will be sent to club secretaries on 1st March with a closing date of 1st April.
Or use this easier method below
Enter your Full Teams names NOW
Championship week is 28th July to 2nd August.
The ILB Championships are played each year starting in late April and culminating in the ILB Championship Finals week which is always played in the week culminating in the August Bank Holiday Monday. The semi finals are played on Monday through Thursday evening and the finals on Friday evening and all day Saturday. The Sunday is rarely used but is reserved in case of weather causing serious disruption to the week.
There are two sets of Championships the Senior and the Junior. The Senior Championships are part 1 of the IBA & IWBA National Championships and the various winners go forward to the respective National Championships each year. As the IBA and IWBA are single gender organisations only men can play in the IBA Championships and ladies in the IWBA championships. Should they be successful in the national championships they will go forward the following year to represent Ireland in the British Isles Bowling Council (BIBC) and BIWBC championships respectively
The junior championships are a purely an ILB competition and there are various rules to exclude Senior Bowlers from playing in them. A Senior Bowler is bowler who is registered in the Premier Division or Division 1 saturday or division 1 Wednesday , or plays regularly in those division. A junior bowler can enter the senior championships but cannot enter both Senior and Junior in the same year. The junior championships are open to all junior members irrespective of gender,
All ILB Summer leagues use links below
Premier League Saturday Afternoon (SAP)
Division 1 Saturday Afternoon (SA1)
Division 2 Saturday Afternoon (SA2)
Division 1 Monday Evening (ME1)
Division 2 Monday Evening (ME2)
Division 1 Wednesday Afternoon (WA1)
League Division 2 Wednesday Afternoon (WA2)
(ILBI Bessie Sharp memorial Trophy)
League Thursday Afternoon (TA1)
Vets 1 League Thursday morning (TM1)
With the exception of the Dun Laoghaire Champion of Champions all clubs wishing to run an open tournament must obtain a licence from the Irish Bowling Association (IBA)
In addition all clubs including Dun Laoghaire must seek permission from Irish Lawn Bowls (ILB) and agree the dates of the Tournament.