This is the Official website for the Ladies Bowling League of Ireland (LBLI)

LBLI General
This page and its sub ordinate pages were developed to replace the LBLI Handbook (also known as the “Pink Book”) that was produced and circulated to all members each year. In 2021 the LBLI Executive felt that the time had come to move the Information that was held in the Pink Book be transferred to this website.
LBLI Legend
Aer Lingus (AL) |
Blackrock (BR) |
Bray (BY) |
Clontarf © |
Crumlin (CR) |
DL Golf BC (DLG) |
Dun Laoghaire (DL) |
Dungarvan (DG) |
Greenhills (GH) |
Greystones (GY) |
Herbert Park (HP) |
Ierne (I) |
Kenilworth (K) |
Leinster (L) |
Meath (M) |
North Kildare (NK) |
Shankill (SH) |
Skerries (SK) |
Sportslink (SL) |
Westmanstown (W) |
Irish women’s Bowling Association (IWBA)
Formed in 1947 the IWBA is the National Governing Body for the sport of women’s bowls in Ireland. Under its umbrella it has four Associations, whose total of affiliated Clubs is 80, covering both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
Each Association has its own league structure and cup competitions and meet annually in an Inter-Association tournament
A total of 67 Clubs are affiliated to the Association for 2019.
Clubs Affiliated
LBLI Ladies Bowling League of Ireland 19 Clubs
NIWPGl Northern Ireland Women’s Private Green League 23 Clubs
PTWBA Provincial Towns Women’s Bowling Association 9 Clubs
NIWBA Northern Ireland Women’s Bowling Association 16 Clubs
Cost of Membership of LBLI and IWBA
There are two governing bodies in Ireland for Ladies Bowls
THE LADIES BOWLING LEAGUE of IRELAND (LBLI ) Is the governing body of ladies bowls here in the Republic of Ireland.
THE IRISH WOMENS BOWLING ASSOCIATION (IWBA) Is the governing body of ladies bowls for the whole of Ireland (Headquarters in Belfast.)
There are three other Northern Ireland Associations who together with the LBLI are affiliated under the IWBA umbrella.
- AFFILIATION: All clubs must be Affiliated to the Ladies Bowling League of Ireland and the Annual fee for each club is: €13.
- CAPITATION: Each member of each club must pay an annual capitation fee of €20 to the LBLI.
- RULE 14 of the Constitution, Rules and Regulations covers the above.
By Clubs being Affiliated and members capitated to the Association, it entitles all to take part in LBLI Leagues, Cup, LBLI Championships Senior & Junior matches, Inter-Association Senior & Juniors, and selection for International games on a yearly basis and entry to British Isles Championships.
- AFFILIATION: All Associations LBLI- NIWPGL- NIWBA -PTWBA must be Affiliated to the Irish Women’s Bowling Association and the Annual Fee for each Association is: £20 stg.
- CAPITATION: Each member of each club in each association must pay an annual capitation fee of £8 stg. to the IWBA.
All clubs and members within each Associations Affiliated under the IWBA are entitled to play in National Championships, Senior & Junior Inter-Association matches, McMaster Cup, British Isles, and Ladies Senior Internationals (if selected) or U25 Internationals (if applicable) on a yearly basis.
So to summarise all Clubs by being affiliated to the LBLI opens the way for all its members in each Clubs on payment of a LBLI capitation fee to enter all the leagues etc. as mentioned above.
The LBLI being affiliated as an Association under the auspicious of IWBA and all clubs in the LBLI and their members on payment of IWBA capitation fee entitles them to enter competitions as listed above under IWBA.
We hope the above goes someway in explaining why affiliation and capitations fees are necessary.