

Irish Lawn Bowls (ILB) was formed in March 2023 following a merger of the Bowling League of Ireland (BLI) and the Ladies Bowling League of Ireland (LBLI) and is recognised by Sport Ireland as the National Governing Body for the sport of lawn bowling in the Republic of Ireland. 
Bowling is an all-island sport and  the ILB is one of four organisations affiliated to the overall governing bodies, the  Irish Bowling Association (IBA) and the Irish Women’s Bowling Association  (IWBA).  It is also affiliated to the Irish Sports Federation.
There are twenty seven bowling clubs affiliated to the ILB serving almost two thousand members. They are mostly located in the greater Dublin area including Wicklow, Meath and Kildare along with clubs in Cork, Sligo and Waterford. Eleven of these clubs play on traditional grass surfaces while the remainder have artificial or synthetic surfaces with one club having both. Many clubs are attached to other sporting facilities like tennis or rugby clubs or leisure complexes.
Members, both male and female, have represented Ireland at international events  and we anticipate being involved in the  World Bowls Championship in Australia in the Autumn. Four  bowlers are representing Ireland in the World Deaf Championships in Edinburgh in September 2023.