Management Committee Officers

Following recent resignations John Nolan of Blackrock B.C. has been co-opted as National Children’s Officer but we have not received any nominations for the vacant League Secretary position.  There is a legal requirement to have a deputy N.C.O. in the event of a conflict of interest and Anne O’Herlihy of Leinster Bowling Club will fulfil that role
Our webmaster Mike Brophy wishes to retire after ten years in that position and we have identified a replacement who is currently engaging with Mike with a view to taking over next year.
A few months ago Ian Wilson from CYM B.C. was co-opted as Development Officer to fill a vacant position on the Committee.
The term of office for all co-opted officers is until the next AGM. when they may seek election.

Para Bowling

Ireland is the only country involved in bowling not to have an international para bowling team and the Irish Bowling Association based in Northern Ireland are behind an initiative to rectify the situation. They are prepared to fund it but cannot finance players from the Republic of Ireland and we will seek support from Sport Ireland. Our Disability Officer, Margaret McNevin  arranged a coaching session in Bray B.C. recently attended by eight people, including some in wheelchairs  and others visibly impaired, and followed up with another session in an indoor stadium in Northern Ireland. There are plans to have friendly internationals in the U.K. next year. 
If your club knows of anyone who might be keen to take up the sport please let Margaret know. There are different para grades and all participants will be selected.


An email was sent recently to club secretaries on behalf of our Staff Umpire, Paula Russell announcing a training course for potential umpires. Due to retirements we need to augment the current number of qualified umpires so we would encourage people to enrol.

Competition Rules

Following discussions at two Council meetings the Management Committee  have made several changes to the draft Competition Rules and hope to finalise them at a meeting on the 10th January.  We have divided them into sections, General Rules, Championship Rules, League Rules,  and Cup Rules. We will add the Winter League Rules when we assess the experience of the  2023/24 leagues and get feedback on them.
We then plan to circulate another draft to the clubs and  hold a Council meeting for further consideration. After that their approval will be on the agenda for the Annual General Meeting on March 24th next. Clubs may submit motions to add or amend rules to the AGM.
On the starting time of Saturday League matches clubs were asked to give their preferred options but only four clubs responded to date. We would like to get a consensus on this issue so I would ask you to discuss it at club committee level and let me know.

New Clubs

There is a new bowling club in Urlingford, Co. Kilkenny and hopefully they will affiliate to the ILB next year. There are also two potential clubs in Graiguecullen, Co. Carlow and Adare, Co. Limerick but they are dependant on Capital Sports Grant funding which will be announced early next year.
Aughrim B.C., Co. Wicklow have expressed an interest in participating in a Saturday league next year.
Charlie Lynch
ILB General Secretary