St Michaels
St Michaels Lawn Bowls Club
General Information
This will be your Clubs page on the ILB website Please sent by Email a text document with whatever general information you want to put up about your club,
EG. Address, contact info, events you run each year
This section will only be updated once a year if needs be
The box to the left > or below if your on a mobile is updated by your club secretary whenever they want, It should be for promoting events and updated times, dates relevant and should be kept current.
** Clubs should forward up to date information to ILB Secretary through the contact page on this website
Direct Club Information
Sportslink Lawn Bowls Club
General Information
This will be your Clubs page on the ILB website Please sent by Email a text document with whatever general information you want to put up about your club,
EG. Address, contact info, events you run each year
This section will only be updated once a year if needs be
The box to the left > or below if your on a mobile is updated by your club secretary whenever they want, It should be for promoting events and updated times, dates relevant and should be kept current.
** Clubs should forward up to date information to ILB Secretary through the contact page on this website
Direct Club Information
Sligo Lawn Bowls Club
General Information
About Us
Established on 15th July 2017, Sligo Lawn Bowls is a club for all bowlers beginners & advanced alike.
Here you will find our location (check our web page for current opening hours).
Cleveragh Regional Park,
Cleveragh Drive,
F91 K7TK
Contact: secretary@sligolawnbowls.com
Or use the following contact form:
Direct Club Information
Skerries Lawn Bowls Club
About Us
Located at Tennis Court Lane, in sight of the iconic Skerries Five Sail Windmill, in the picturesque village of Skerries in Fingal, our club caters for members of all ages and abilities from across Fingal and the broader North East Leinster region.
The impressive 6 rink synthetic facility, with its well maintained grounds and private parking, is in use throughout the year with social and practice rollup sessions taking place every Monday and Tuesday morning.
Outside of these times members are free to use the facilities subject to availability. League matches and competitions take place throughout the week and throughout the year.
Why not drop in today and try it out. You will be made to feel more than welcome.
For further information, including location and contact details, please visit our website at
Direct Club Information
Shankill Lawn Bowls Club
General Information
This will be your Clubs page on the ILB website Please sent by Email a text document with whatever general information you want to put up about your club,
EG. Address, contact info, events you run each year
This section will only be updated once a year if needs be
The box to the left > or below if your on a mobile is updated by your club secretary whenever they want, It should be for promoting events and updated times, dates relevant and should be kept current.
** Clubs should forward up to date information to ILB Secretary through the contact page on this website
Direct Club Information