Summer Cards
Original Fixture Date | Match Card |
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Original Fixture Date | Match Card |
Winter Cards
Dun Laoghaire Golf
Dun Laoghaire Golf Bowling Club
General Information
This will be your Clubs page on the ILB website Please sent by Email a text document with whatever general information you want to put up about your club,
EG. Address, contact info, events you run each year
This section will only be updated once a year if needs be
The box to the left > or below if your on a mobile is updated by your club secretary whenever they want, It should be for promoting events and updated times, dates relevant and should be kept current.
** Clubs should forward up to date information to ILB Secretary through the contact page on this website
Direct Club Information
Saturday Winter form return
Winter Leagues match score return
*** Please submit a picture of your match card first, then proceed to fill in match details below.
Europeans Championships 2024

British Isles series in Belmont Bowling Club
Great weekend at the under-25 British Isles series in Belmont Bowling Club for Colum, Isobel, Isobel Ruby Nolan and Amy Carruth