
Thursday Division 3 Semi Finals

The semi-finals of the Thursday Division 3 leagues will be played on Thursday the 29th June.  The Venues and Timings are :_

Clontarf versus Leinster will be played in Blackrock at 2.30 and

Blackrock versus Aer Lingus will be played in Clontarf at 2.00.

 Note that the Clontarf match has a 2.00 starting time due to the Clontarf pairs being played that evening.


 Coaching Courses register here

( Register your interest in developing your coaching journey as an Assistant Coach, Coach, Senior Coach )

After you Complete level 1/ Assistant Coach you will need to get Garda Vetted and do safeguarding training. This will be Valid for 3 years currently.

After 2 years of being an Assistant Coach you can apply for a Coaching Course.

After a further 2 years you may apply for a senior Coach position.

At all stages you must be fully Compliant with Garda vetting and Safeguarding if you are to assist or Coach any Members.

ILB Strategic Plan 2024-27

Role of the ILB Coaching development officer

Bowling green Dimensions

link here to our Bowling green approval form ( all you need to know)

Marketing Lawn Bowling – A Practical How To Guide

Grant and Funding opportunities