
To all Winter League participants

In the ILB Winter League many members of grass green clubs pay winter membership fees to synthetic green clubs and participate as part of a team under the name of their parent or their winter club. Others who don’t pay membership fees pay a green fee to the winter club each time they roll up or play a match there. These arrangements between host clubs and guest clubs are a matter entirely for  the clubs involved and have nothing to do with the ILB.
As the All Weather Bowling League agreed to transfer their funds to the ILB we have agreed that there will be no entry fees for any club or team for this year’s Winter League.
However  we have received complaints that some clubs are charging visiting teams €5 per person. The ILB Management Committee feel this practice is unwarranted and shouldn’t continue.

Winter League Fixture Lists

The League Secretary has issued amended league fixtures for both the Saturday and Wednesday League Fixtures.  These were accompanied by the following email/

Hi All

Attached are revised fixtures. There are some minor changes such as in the Wednesday league match 7 in division 2.and 4 was down to be played on 17tth Jan. instead of 6th Dec.

Wednesday home matches in Herbert Park, Kenilworth and Sportslink will stat at 13.00 hours.  This is due to the parking restrictions in Kenilworth and Herbert Park and the fact that Sportslink complex ( not the club) will nor allow matches on their green before 13.00.  All other matches start at 11.00.

The onus is on all clubs that all bowlers playing are registered as playing members of the ILB.

Registered players may play up but not down.

Non Registered players may play up or down and there is no limit on the number of times which they may play up or down.

The Saturday league and the Wednesday league are two separate leagues and there is no relationship between them.

A player can be registered for one division on Saturday and another on Wednesday.

Burnt ends are replayed there is no re spotting.

Scores are recorded and master cards sent in on the Web as per the Summer League.

Both leagues will play 14 ends plus two trial ends

Enjoy your bowling


Pat Wall

League Secretary

The revised fixtures are now on the website.

Leinster Crumlin Tournament 2023 Results

All the finals are not completed due to Ladies National Championships clashing with the tournament.  The Ladies Pairs final is still outstanding but the other results are:

Mens Singles: Winner Shane Leonard, r/up Drew Logan

Ladies Singles: Winner Rita Saunders, r/up Pat Mac Donagh

Mens Pairs: Winners Richie Leonard and Robert Maher, r/up Paul Smyth and Stephen Millane

Mixed Pairs: Winners Nikki Ryan and Nicky Smyth, r/up Rita Saunders and Mick Cusack