Club Tournaments 2025
(See Club pages for more details)
Dates of each tournament is available on the ILB Calendar See here
Clontarf Pairs — Fixtures and Results here
With the exception of the Dun Laoghaire Champion of Champions all clubs wishing to run an open tournament must obtain a licence from the Irish Bowling Association (IBA)
Past Tournament winners (Clubs must submit winners names so This list can be kept up to date)
In addition all clubs including Dun Laoghaire must seek permission from Irish Lawn Bowls (ILB) and agree the dates of the Tournament.
Club Secretaries
Use these links below to access your clubs information.
Aer Lingus—- Club Info Page, Register players for Winter League , Summer League
Aughrim ….. Club Info Page, Register players for Winter League , Summer League
Match Card
Print Your Match Card Now
ILB Ladies Inter Association Team 2024
All the best to our ILB Ladies Senior Inter Association Team who are in Belmont for the weekend playing in the Senior Inter Association.
After a couple of tough battles the Ladies ILB team finished with a resounding win against the NIWBA. Special thanks to Jacqui for her hard work in organising a great weekend. It was much appreciated by the team who looked great in their new gear.
Crumlin Leinster 2024
- Car parking in Leinster Bowling Club will be very limited this week as there are cricket matches each afternoon and all day Saturday. Players are advised to arrive at Leinster at least 1 hour before their match is scheduled to start. The gates will be manned to allow the officials and players only into the car park. Players are not guaranteed a parking space. Car-pooling is recommended.
There is a public car park behind the RC Church in Rathmines, Swan shopping centre and on most of the roads leading into the village. Rathmines is very well served with public transport.
- Those who won trophies in the 2023 Championships are reminded that these must be returned as soon as possible if not already done. These should be brought to Leinster Bowling Club and handed into the tournament office.
- Club stickers must be removed before coming to the green. Players will be issued either with white or red stickers on registration for their match.
- Players are reminded that all bowls must have a legible IBB, WBB, BIBC or World Bowls Stamp which has an expiry date of 1987 or later.
- All singles matches will be marked by an umpire.
- Club colours or whites and proper bowling shoes to be worn for all matches during Championship week.
- Lights are available but these must be switched off by 10.30pm at the latest so all matches must be complete by that time.
ILB Officers only
ALL ILB Officers must have pre approved access links below
Please do not look for access through these links as it will be refused
and your Email address may be blocked