ILB Devco Update

The new DEVCO has hit the ground running with Ian Wilson taking up the Development Officer role.  Ian can be contacted on 087 773 9080 or with any development related enquiries.

Strategic Plan

It was great to get the updated ILB Strategic Plan 2024-27 finalised and sent to Sport Ireland – this sets out our priorities for the next few years which we have already started working on.  The Plan was sent to all Clubs and is also available on the ILB Website.

50 Plus Show

We have agreed to take part in this two day convention on 15 and 16 March 24 in the RDS and look forward to talking to attendees about our sport – hopefully this will generate further new members!  Attendance at the event will be supported by an article in Senior Times early in the new year.  We look forward to your support in advertising the event through your Club media, further details will be shared nearer the time.

 Club Development Activities

DEVCO will be writing to all Clubs in the coming weeks to ask for updated information on membership numbers and areas in which you need support from the ILB and DEVCO in particular.  Accurate membership information is really important as we use it for reporting to Sport Ireland in support of future grant applications. 

Charlie Lynch

General Secretary – ILB