Thursday Division 3 Semi Finals

The semi-finals of the Thursday Division 3 leagues will be played on Thursday the 29th June.  The Venues and Timings are :_ Clontarf versus Leinster will be played in Blackrock at 2.30 and Blackrock versus Aer Lingus will be played in Clontarf at 2.00.  Note that the...

Under 18’s and Under 25’s Championships

The following 3 players will compete in the semi finals of the Bank of Ireland cup for under 18’s A. Bangoli – Kenilworth D. Murpy – Blackrock K. Murphy – Blackrock The draw for the quarter finals of the Railway Union Cup for under 25’s can be seen at...


 Coaching Courses register here ( Register your interest in developing your coaching journey as an Assistant Coach, Coach, Senior Coach ) After you Complete level 1/ Assistant Coach you will need to get Garda Vetted and do safeguarding training. This will be Valid for...