Local clubs

Click for more information on the Clubs below Club Secretaries Contact details Aer Lingus Aughrim  Bank of Ireland Blackrock Bray Causeway Clontarf Crumlin CYM Dun Laoghaire BC Dun Laoghaire GOLF Bowling BC Greenhills Greystones Herbert Park ICICYMA Ierne Kenilworth...


ILB SHOP Buying or Selling Bowling items. Contact us. ( You must be a member if ILB ) ILB supporting Bowling in the community. Name:  Imyourman Yaknow  Club: Tel: 1234567890 Item: Super set of bowls for sale see me Name:  Imyourman Yaknow    Tel: 1234567890 Item:...


Open Challenge cup Crumlin Cup O’ Dee Cup Shott Cup Senior Challenge Cup Junior Challenge Cup All ILB league  Cup...


CLUB TOURNAMENTS With the exception of the Dun Laoghaire Champion of Champions all clubs wishing to run an open tournament must obtain a licence from the Irish Bowling Association (IBA)   Tournament Licences. In addition all clubs including Dun Laoghaire must seek...

Handover of Presidential Office

Pictured is the first president of the ILB Frank Devlin from Bray Bowling Club handing over the chain of office to his successor Anne O’Herlihy of Leinster Bowling Club at last nights first AGM of the ILB.  We wish Anne all the best for her presidential...

Leinster Lions School Cup

Leinster Lions Inaugural Schools Cup The Leinster Lions Management team has worked with the Sporting Coordinators from a number of local schools to run the first Lawn Bowls Schools Cup. Around 150 pupils between the ages of 13 to 15) from St Pauls (Greenhills);...

Development League,

Following considerable feedback on the success of last years Development League, the ILB DEVCO decided to run another one ahead of the upcoming 2024 summer season.   The League, which is aimed at new and nearly new players, will be held across 3 greens, Herbert Park,...

Sally McAuley R.I.P.

We regret to report the death of Sally McAuley, a member of Ewarts B.C. in Belfast, a former Irish champion and for many years an international player.

Devco Update

ILB Devco Update The new DEVCO has hit the ground running with Ian Wilson taking up the Development Officer role.  Ian can be contacted on 087 773 9080 or ianwilson10@gmail.com with any development related enquiries. Strategic Plan It was great to get the updated ILB...

ILB Newsletter

Management Committee Officers   Following recent resignations John Nolan of Blackrock B.C. has been co-opted as National Children’s Officer but we have not received any nominations for the vacant League Secretary position.  There is a legal requirement to have a...