Dun Laoghaire Golf

Dun Laoghaire Golf Bowling Club Go Back to previous page General Information This will be your Clubs page on the ILB website Please sent by Email a  text document with whatever general information you want to put up about your club, EG. Address, contact info, events...

Test page

Test page only  Go Back to previous page General Information Test data here  This section will only be updated once a year if needs be      The box to the left >  or below if your on a mobile  is updated by your club secretary whenever they want, It...


Westmanstown Lawn Bowls Club Go Back to previous page General Information This will be your Clubs page on the ILB website Please sent by Email a  text document with whatever general information you want to put up about your club, EG. Address, contact info, events you...

St James Gate

St James Gate Lawn Bowls Club Go Back to previous page General Information This will be your Clubs page on the ILB website Please sent by Email a  text document with whatever general information you want to put up about your club, EG. Address, contact info, events you...

St Michaels

St Michaels Lawn Bowls Club Go Back to previous page General Information This will be your Clubs page on the ILB website Please sent by Email a  text document with whatever general information you want to put up about your club, EG. Address, contact info, events you...


Sportslink Lawn Bowls Club Go Back to previous page General Information This will be your Clubs page on the ILB website Please sent by Email a  text document with whatever general information you want to put up about your club, EG. Address, contact info, events you...


Sligo Lawn Bowls Club Go Back to previous page General Information About Us Established on 15th July 2017, Sligo Lawn Bowls is a club for all bowlers beginners & advanced alike. Here you will find our location (check our web page for current opening hours)....


Skerries Lawn Bowls Club Go Back to previous page About Us Located at Tennis Court Lane, in sight of the iconic Skerries Five Sail Windmill, in the picturesque village of Skerries in Fingal, our club caters for members of all ages and abilities from across Fingal and...


Shankill Lawn Bowls Club Go Back to previous page General Information This will be your Clubs page on the ILB website Please sent by Email a  text document with whatever general information you want to put up about your club, EG. Address, contact info, events you run...