Leinster Lions School Cup

Leinster Lions Inaugural Schools Cup The Leinster Lions Management team has worked with the Sporting Coordinators from a number of local schools to run the first Lawn Bowls Schools Cup. Around 150 pupils between the ages of 13 to 15) from St Pauls (Greenhills);...

Development League,

Following considerable feedback on the success of last years Development League, the ILB DEVCO decided to run another one ahead of the upcoming 2024 summer season.   The League, which is aimed at new and nearly new players, will be held across 3 greens, Herbert Park,...

Para Bowling

History was made when Ireland played England in the first Para Bowls Test. The Irish side consisting  of bowlers from North and South lost by 3 matches to 2.  For their inaugural international trial this was an excellent result.  The future is bright for Irish Para...

Devco Update

ILB Devco Update The new DEVCO has hit the ground running with Ian Wilson taking up the Development Officer role.  Ian can be contacted on 087 773 9080 or ianwilson10@gmail.com with any development related enquiries. Strategic Plan It was great to get the updated ILB...

ILB Strategic Plan 2024 / 27

The ILB has now produced their new Strategic Plan for the years 2024 to 27.  This was presented to Sport Ireland on Monday the 4th of December.  Our development officer, Ian Wilson will later this week be sending a copy of the plan to Club Secretaries and Development...

Bowler of the Year 2023

Congratulation to Sarah Kelly of Crumlin Bowling Club who last night was awarded Bowler of the Year. Pictured is Sarah receiving her trophy from the ILB President. Sarah won the ILB Senior Ladies Singles title, and as ILB champion went onto win the IWBA National...

Men’s Senior Inter Association Panel 2024

The men’s Senior Inter Association team for 2024 has been announced.. There will be a number of practice sessions between November 2023 and March 2024.   These will be held on a number of the all-weather greens.  The venues are yet to be decided.  We will have a few...