This is the Official website for the Bowling League of Ireland (BLI)

BLI Photos
This page will be used to contain links to the BLI Onedrive Cloud Storage where photographs of interest to the BLI Members are stored. If you have any photographs you wish to submit for inclusion please contact the BLI webmaster at
BLI Open Cup Final 2022
The Open Cup Final of 2022 was played in Westmanstown on Sunday the 28th August between Crumlin and CYM, Crumlin were the winners. You can view some photographs of the day courtesy of Adrian Doyle of Westmanstown.
BLI Presentation of Prizes 2019
Below is a link to some photographs taken at the BLI Annual Dinner in Blackrock Bowling Club. The Bowler of the Year 2019 was awarded to Richard Leonard of Crumlin Bowling Club.
Link to BLI 2019 Presentation of Prizes
BLI Championship Finals 2019
Below is a link to some photographs taken at the BLI Championship Finals of 2019 in Blackrock Bowling Club. My thanks to Michael Keegan of Blackrock for the photos on the green and Eamonn Carruth of Crumlin for the photos of the presentations.