ILB Competition Secretary

Make sure you have logged on to your google account if you have one,  and are browsing through it. Many links will work without an account   ILB Secretary Google folder link

ILB Coaching

Make sure you have logged on to your google account if you have one,  and are browsing through it. Many links will work without an account   ILB Secretary Google folder link

ILB Academy

Make sure you have logged on to your google account if you have one,  and are browsing through it. Many links will work without an account   ILB Secretary Google folder link

ILB Secretary

Make sure you have logged on to your google account if you have one,  and are browsing through it. Many links will work without an account   ILB Secretary Google folder link

Winter 2form return

Winter Leagues match score return Original Fixture Date(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY If this match was posponed please enter the original date it should have been played as per the fixture list Upload your match card(Required) Drop files here or Select files Max....

Club Secretaries links

*** This page is for Club Secretaries only Video on How to update your Webpage spreadsheet *** Updates since video uploaded but basics the same  …………………………………………………………………………….. Find Club Secreteries Email and Clubs Addresses here...


Westmanstown Lawn Bowls Club Go Back to previous page General Information This will be your Clubs page on the ILB website Please sent by Email a  text document with whatever general information you want to put up about your club, EG. Address, contact info, events you...

St James Gate

St James Gate Lawn Bowls Club Go Back to previous page General Information This will be your Clubs page on the ILB website Please sent by Email a  text document with whatever general information you want to put up about your club, EG. Address, contact info, events you...

St Michaels

St Michaels Lawn Bowls Club Go Back to previous page General Information This will be your Clubs page on the ILB website Please sent by Email a  text document with whatever general information you want to put up about your club, EG. Address, contact info, events you...


Sportslink Lawn Bowls Club Go Back to previous page General Information This will be your Clubs page on the ILB website Please sent by Email a  text document with whatever general information you want to put up about your club, EG. Address, contact info, events you...