This page holds all the news  re the impact of Coronavirus on the BlI and LBLI and will be removed when the pandemic is over.

Letter from Sport Ireland Phase 2 – Public Health Advice Poster and Info Graphics – Tuesday 9th June

Dear Sport Ireland Stakeholder,


As we’ve entered Phase 2 of our Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business the Government have updated public health advice posters & info graphs to reflect current advice.


These include info graphs for use in specific scenarios (at home / at work / at indoor gatherings / at outdoor gatherings / exercising outdoors / when using public transport / when shopping).


I attach a wetransfer link for a sample of these posters here


and the full range of formats are available on the Information Resources page.


Irish language versions are being worked up at the moment and will be available later in the week.

Letter from Sport Ireland re Cocooning


Message from the BLI Secretary re Sanitizing and Disinfectant products.


The BLI secretary has received emails from two companies selling sanitising and disinfectant products. While the BLI cannot endorse any particular company or product
details can be got by contacting the secretary.

Email Received from Sport Ireland re Over 70’s Bowling.

The following reply was received from Sport Ireland to a query re over 70’s resuming bowling because of the different approaches being taken by Tennis and Golf.

In relation to over 70’s Tennis Ireland’s policy is based on the current public health policy which states broadly : “From 5 May 2020, if you are cocooning you can leave your house for exercise or a drive up to 5km, but you should continue to avoid contact with other people” (See full advice on cocooning here:


Tennis is a sport that requires engagement with one or more players.

Golf can be played in isolation in large open spaces so the sports are different in this regard. 

While we all wish for a full return to sport as soon as possible, we recommend for phase one that sports take a conservative approach and do everything they can to reduce risk and follow public health advice. BLI along with its clubs and membership need to carefully consider the public health advice in relation to over 70’s when making any final decisions. Public health still remains the most important element of the Roadmap.

E-Mail received from Sport Ireland 12th May

 Thank you for your recent submission to Sport Ireland in relation to a ‘Return to Sport’.

 Sport Ireland considers Lawn Bowls as an outdoor pursuit that falls under the Roadmap definition for a return in Phase 1 due to commence on May 18.

 BLI as the Irish sporting organisation should provide guidance to its clubs, affiliates and wider participants in Phase 1.

 It is key to remember that strict public health advice remains in place including social distancing and 5 km limits.

 In general everyone is being advised to take a conservative view of the Phase 1 return as it is in everyone’s interest that it is well observed and successful.

 Participants must do everything they can to reduce risk and the public health advice is a guide to achieving that aim.  

 Sports that have yet to submit ‘Return to Sport’ Protocols are requested to submit as and when they are prepared. Sport Ireland will aim to assess the submitted protocols against the Government Roadmap and Public Health Advice while also providing guidance on the sectors Frequently Asked Questions arising from the Roadmap.

 Outdoor sporting and physical activity due to commence on May 18th will be assessed during the course of the first two phases and feedback and recommendations will be provided to Governing Bodies as and where required.

 In the meantime, should you have any further questions please feel free to contact me to discuss.


Resumption of Bowling under COVID19 Government Procedures

The BLI Secretary issued the following email to all clubs on Friday the 8th May.


Dear Secretary,

The BLI Executive has met to discuss the 2020 bowling playing season  in the context of the Covid-19 virus and the recent Government roadmap based on the  NPHET Framework document.

I attach Social Distancing guidelines which each bowler should be aware of when your club reopens. They don’t cover every potential situation and clubs are advised to have their own protocols for their own unique circumstances, the use of club premises etc. The Executive feel that  at this stage it is too early to make a decision on the holding of BLI leagues, cups and championships this year as the earliest practical date for these to start  under current  regulations would be 20th July when the 20 kilometre travelling restriction is relaxed.

To help us make an informed decision the Executive are asking clubs to complete a survey which will include their opinions on the situation, their potential playing resources and how the closures have impacted on them financially and otherwise. This survey will be sent to club secretaries next week and we would appreciate a speedy response.

Meanwhile we have decided that affiliation and development fees for 2020 will not be levied. The club registration fee of €35 will be invoiced later in the year. Similarly those clubs with a Development Fund loan can avail of a moratorium on this year’s repayment if they wish.

The Executive have plans to meet again in three weeks time when we hope to have sufficient feedback from the clubs to plan the best way forward.  The safety of players will be paramount in all our decision making.  Hopefully by that time the national situation will have improved sufficiently to allow a revision of the start dates of the later phases of the roadmap and we can have a full resumption of activities sooner rather than later.

Charlie Lynch

